Claire Johnston

Construction Update: October 2021

Claire Johnston
Construction Update: October 2021

Construction on the Kailani site continues to advance; the Phase 2 structure has progressed to the 5th floor level and the team is continuing works on the Phase 3 basement. The fit out of the hotel’s model room is in process and ongoing.




  • This structure has been completed. The windows are currently on site and awaiting installation for further approval

  • Construction of Phase 1’s concrete slab canopy over the entry doors is now completed


  • Concrete pour of the 5th floor slab is scheduled for later in the month of October

  • The 3rd floor walls have been completed

  • The staircase’s mechanical, electrical and plumbing works are roughed in up to the 5th floor level

  • The model room’s stud framing is completed. Awaiting the installation of glass door for waterproofing and drywall installation

  • All common partition walls for the units are now framed

  • Staircase is formed from 4th to 5th floor and concrete pour scheduled for this month


  • This area is graded and four catch basins have been installed

  • The installation of electrical conduits is to commence this month

  • Ramps #1 and #2 have been poured

  • Grease/oil interceptor #2 has been installed beneath Phase 3’s basement floor