Construction Update: September 2020

Underground structural works are progressing well. Guest elevator footings are complete and service elevator is ready to be dug out. Foundations are well underway throughout Phase 3 and excavation has started on the south side of the site.
Boundary wall from Phase 1 North East corner is poured and waterproofed around the north side of the property
Pre cast man holes for geo wells have been lifted in
Around the edge of the property we have been continuing running plumbing and electrical service lines into Phase 2
All the geo wells are installed
Lift station has been poured
The month of August was mainly focused on the Guest Elevator Pit – it is the biggest, single footing of the project! (This meant lots and lots of water!)
Happy to report that the guest elevator pit has now been excavated, de-watered and the pad, footing and stem walls poured
Multiple footings have been poured
Basement wall has been poured to 6’msl
Sheet piles and deep wells have been blown on the South East corner
Excavation is well underway on the south side of the site, ready to start work on the Service Elevator pit